Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Health recap from saturday

It was wonderful to see you at the conference.

Here is some info that you may need

The levels of radiation worldwide are effecting milk and vegetables.

Everything we can do must now be done.

Iodine, preferably lugols, 10 drops a day

just listen to this also part one David Wolfe is an expert


Health/Codex Links given out at the Freemanity Conference

In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism - Official Release: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8674401787208020885#

Fluoride in our water supplies: http://www.naturalnews.com/026364_fluoride_pineal_gland_sodium.html
Your Toxic Tap Water: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo6SnvmMP9k

Aspartame info: http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html

Independent news on health, nutrition and more:

Natural Health Information Centre & Natural Cancer/Chronic Disease Cure: http://www.natural-health-information-centre.com/

Ex pharma sales rep speaks the truth - Pharma doesn't want to cure you

Health/food/supplements/advice sites:

Codex Alimentarius - (Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins, and Herbs):

Monsanto/Terminator Seeds (Genetically modified seeds and bovine growth hormone): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto and http://www.banterminator.org/The-Issues/Introduction

Thursday, 7 April 2011

All about Vitamin C, by Dominic Spreadlove

Some Important Facts About Vitamin C

If you could take only a single vitamin, it must be Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. The function of vitamin C in the body is not completely understood. Chemically it functions as a reducing agent. Vitamin C concentrates in the organs and tissues of high metabolic activity such as the adrenal and pituitary glands, the brain, eyes, ovaries and other vital tissues.

Functions of Vitamin C

One of the most important functions of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is in the synthesis and maintenance of collagen.. Collagen is the protein-like cement that supports and holds the body’s tissues and organs together. Collagen cannot be formed without ascorbic acid and in the absence of collagen, our body’s most extensive tissue system, we would disintegrate and dissolve away..When there is deficiency in Vitamin C , it results to disturbance in collagen production causing occurrence of fearful aspects of scurvy, the brittle bones that fracture at the slightest impact since collagen provides bones with their elasticity and toughness, the weakened arteries that rupture the bleed,etc. The gradual deterioration of collagen formation is associated with the entire aging process.
Vitamin also functions as a powerful detoxifier in the body. It negates the effects of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, the carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide of air pollution and many other carcinogens which if not detoxified can cause cancer.
Vitamin C also increases the therapeutic of various drugs and medicines such as aspirin and insulin, while at the same time reducing their toxic side effects. In large doses , Vitamin C has antiseptic and bacteriocidal qualities. In very large doses about 10 grams to 1000 grams, it helps kill viruses.

Vitamin C Deficiency

Severe deficiency of Vitamin C leads to the sickness known as scurvy. The symptoms include hemorrhage into the muscles and skin, tenderness and aching of joints, a general weakening of connective tissues, lethargy, loss of appetite and anemia.
The following are symptoms of scurvy :
- failure of strength
- skin becomes sallow and dusky
- the gums swell and ulcerate
- teeth drop out
- breath becomes foul
- blood penetrates the muscles and other tissues causing a severe bruising
- in final stage deep exhaustion and diarrhea
- as well as pulmonary and kidney trouble leading to death.

Vitamin C and the Mind

Mental symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are fatigue, listlessness, lassitude, confusion and depression. The face wears a haggard frowning, “pained” expression with a careworn knitted brow.
Confusional states in the elderly often mistakenly considered as senility may be due to Vitamin C deficiency and will clear with intake of 1000milligrams of Vitamin C daily for three weeks.
Vitamin C in doses of one to two grams at a time works as a tranquilizer for the anxious. Due to the vitamin’s sedative effects , similar doses help the insomniac fall asleep.
A dosage of 3 to 30 grams of Vitamin C daily are helpful in severe mental illness, where the sufferers is stressed by extreme anxiety. Possibly also Vitamin C acts to detoxify a brain poison, as Vitamin C helps convert a body chemical , adrenochrome to leucoadrenochrome, a non-toxic substance. One theory of schizophrenia is that the substance adrenochrome is converted instead to adrenolutin, a toxin which causes hallucination and bizarre sensory dys-perception.
Most animals can manufacture their own Vitamin C through a four-step enzymatic glucose conversion process. However, human beings and other primates have lost that ability and must absorb the nutrient from dietary sources. Guinea pigs and most bats must also obtain Vitamin C from their diets.
Despite its natural abundance, Vitamin C is a relatively delicate nutrient. It decomposes at 190 degrees Celsius and can be destroyed through broiling, grilling, or frying. Boiling fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin C will not destroy the nutrient, but it does leech easily into the water. If that water is discarded, the nutritional benefits are lost.
Once absorbed, Vitamin C has an astonishingly short 30 minute biological half life in the bloodstream. This means that the nutrient decays in just 30 minutes, and ongoing supplements of Vitamin C are necessary for optimum absorption. Nearly 90 percent of the nutrient is absorbed in the small intestines, and of that, 75 percent will be excreted within 24 hours because it cannot be effectively stored by the body.

Despite its natural abundance, Vitamin C is a relatively delicate nutrient. It decomposes at 190 degrees Celsius and can be destroyed through broiling, grilling, or frying. Boiling fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin C will not destroy the nutrient, but it does leech easily into the water. If that water is discarded, the nutritional benefits are lost.

Once absorbed, Vitamin C has an astonishingly short 30 minute biological half life in the bloodstream. This means that the nutrient decays in just 30 minutes, and ongoing supplements of Vitamin C are necessary for optimum absorption. Nearly 90 percent of the nutrient is absorbed in the small intestines, and of that, 75 percent will be excreted within 24 hours because it cannot be effectively stored by the body.
Acting as an antioxidant, one of vitamin C important functions is to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. (Only when LDL is damaged does cholesterol appear to lead to heart disease, and vitamin C may be one of the most important antioxidant protectors of LDL.)1 Vitamin C may also protect against heart disease by reducing the stiffness of arteries and the tendency of platelets to clump together.

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are thought to protect smokers, as well as people exposed to secondhand smoke, from the harmful effects of free radicals. A controlled trial demonstrated the ability of 3 grams of vitamin C, taken by nonsmokers two hours prior to being exposed to cigarette smoke, to reduce the free radical damage and LDL cholesterol oxidation associated with exposure to cigarette smoke. The smoke-induced decline in total antioxidant defense was also diminished. These beneficial effects were not observed in nonsmokers under normal conditions (no free radical exposure).

Vitamin C is needed to make collagen, the "glue" that strengthens many parts of the body, such as muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C also plays important roles in wound healing and as a natural antihistamine. This vitamin also aids in the formation of liver bile and helps to fight viruses and to detoxify alcohol and other substances.

Recently, researchers have shown that vitamin C improves nitric oxide activity.

Nitric oxide is needed for the dilation of blood vessels, potentially important in lowering blood pressure and preventing spasms of arteries in the heart that might otherwise lead to heart attacks. Vitamin C has reversed dysfunction of cells lining blood vessels.

The normalization of the functioning of these cells may be linked to prevention of heart disease.

Evidence indicates that vitamin C levels in the eye decrease with age and that supplementing with vitamin C prevents this decrease, possibly leading to a lower risk of developing cataracts.8 9 Healthy people have been reported in some, but not all, studies to be more likely to take vitamin C and vitamin E supplements than are people with cataracts.

Vitamin C has been reported to reduce activity of the enzyme, aldose reductase, in people. Aldose reductase is the enzyme responsible for accumulation of sorbitol in eyes, nerves, and kidneys of people with diabetes. This accumulation is believed to be responsible for deterioration of these parts of the body associated with diabetes. Therefore, interference with the activity of aldose reductase theoretically helps protect people with diabetes.

Vitamin C may help protect the body against accumulation or retention of the toxic mineral, lead. In one preliminary study, people with higher blood levels of vitamin C had much lower risk of having excessive blood levels of lead.13 In a controlled trial, male smokers with moderate to high levels of lead received supplements of 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C, 200 mg per day of vitamin C, or a placebo.14 Only those people taking 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C experienced a drop in the blood lead levels, but the reduction in this group was dramatic.

People with recurrent boils (furunculosis) may have defects in white blood cell function that are correctable with vitamin C supplementation. A preliminary study of people with recurrent boils and defective white blood cell function, found that 1 gram of vitamin C taken daily for four to six weeks, resulted in normalization of white blood cell function . Ten of twelve people receiving vitamin C became symptom-free within one month and remained so for periods of one to three years without additional supplementation. The other two people required long-term vitamin C supplementation to prevent recurrences.

A double-blind trial found that 500 mg of vitamin C per day for one year reduced the risk of developing reflex sympathetic dystrophy (a painful nerve condition of the extremities), after a wrist fracture.

In a small, preliminary trial, vitamin C (500 mg twice daily) combined with rutoside (500 mg twice daily), a derivative of the flavonoid, rutin, produced marked improvement in three women with progressive pigmented purpura (PPP), a mild skin condition. Although not a serious medical condition, cosmetic concerns lead people with PPP to seek treatment with a variety of drugs. The vitamin C/rutoside combination represents a promising, non-toxic alternative to these drug treatments, but larger, controlled trials are needed to confirm these preliminary results.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

What's Wrong With Food Irradiation, passed on by Mis Perception

revised February 2001

Irradiation damages the quality of food.
· Irradiation damages food by breaking up molecules and creating free radicals. The free radicals kill some bacteria, but they also bounce around in the food, damage vitamins and enzymes, and combine with existing chemicals (like pesticides) in the food to form new chemicals, called unique radiolytic products (URPs).
· Some of these URPs are known toxins (benzene, formaldehyde, lipid peroxides) and some are unique to irradiated foods. Scientists have not studied the long-term effect of these new chemicals in our diet. Therefore, we cannot assume they are safe.
· Irradiated foods can lose 5%-80% of many vitamins (A, C, E, K and B complex). The amount of loss depends on the dose of irradiation and the length of storage time.
· Most of the food in the American diet is already approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for irradiation: beef, pork, lamb, poultry, wheat, wheat flour, vegetables, fruits, shell eggs, seeds for sprouting, spices, herb teas. (Dairy is already pasteurized). A food industry petition currently before the FDA asks for approval for luncheon meats, salad bar items, sprouts, fresh juices and frozen foods. Another petition before the USDA asks for approval for imported fruits and vegetables.
· Irradiation damages the natural digestive enzymes found in raw foods. This means the body has to work harder to digest them.
· If unlabeled, raw foods that have been irradiated look like fresh foods, but nutritionally they are like cooked foods, with decreased vitamins and enzymes. The FDA allows these foods to be labeled "fresh."
· Irradiated fats tend to become rancid.
· When high-energy electron beams are used, trace amounts of radioactivity may be created in the food.

Science has not proved that a long-term diet of irradiated foods is safe for human health.
· The longest human feeding study was 15 weeks. No one knows the long-term effects of a life-long diet that includes foods which will be frequently irradiated, such as meat, chicken, vegetables, fruits, salads, sprouts and juices.
· There are no studies on the effects of feeding babies or children diets containing irradiated foods, except a very small and controversial study from India that showed health effects.
· Studies on animals fed irradiated foods have shown increased tumors, reproductive failures and kidney damage. Some possible causes are: irradiation-induced vitamin deficiencies, the inactivity of enzymes in the food, DNA damage, and toxic radiolytic products in the food.
· The FDA based its approval of irradiation for poultry on only 5 of 441 animal-feeding studies. Marcia van Gemert, Ph.D., the toxicologist who chaired the FDA committee that approved irradiation, later said, "These studies reviewed in the 1982 literature from the FDA were not adequate by 1982 standards, and are even less accurate by 1993 standards to evaluate the safety of any product, especially a food product such as irradiated food." The 5 studies are not a good basis for approval of irradiation for humans, because they showed health effects on the animals or were conducted using irradiation at lower energies than those the FDA eventually approved.
· The FDA based its approval of irradiation for fruits and vegetables on a theoretical calculation of the amount of URPs in the diet from one 7.5 oz. serving/day of irradiated food. Considering the different kinds of foods approved for irradiation, this quantity is too small and the calculation is irrelevant.
· Even with current labeling requirements, people cannot avoid eating irradiated food. That means there is no control group, and epidemiologists will never be able to determine if irradiated food has any health effects.
· Science is always changing. The science of today is not the science of tomorrow. The science we have today is not adequate to prove the long-term safety of food irradiation.

Irradiation covers up problems that the meat and poultry industry should solve
· Irradiation covers up the increased fecal contamination that results from speeded up slaughter and decreased federal inspection, both of which allow meat and poultry to be produced more cheaply. Prodded by the industry, the USDA has allowed a transfer of inspection to company inspectors. Where government inspectors remain, they are not allowed to condemn meat and poultry now that they condemned 20 years ago.
· Because of this deregulation (continued under President Clinton, a protégé of Tyson Foods), the meat and poultry industry has recently lost money and suffered bad publicity from food-poisoning lawsuits and expensive product recalls. Irradiation is a "magic bullet" that will enable them to say that the product was "clean" when it left the packing plant. (Irradiation, however, does not sterilize food, and any bacteria that remain can grow to toxic proportions if the food is not properly stored and handled.)
· In 2000, seven meat industry associations submitted a petition to USDA to redefine key regulations relating to contamination. If accepted by USDA, this petition would permit unlimited fecal contamination during production, as long as irradiation was used afterwards.

Labeling is necessary to inform people so they can choose to avoid irradiated foods.
· Because irradiated foods have not been proven safe for human health in the long term, prominent, conspicuous and truthful labels are necessary for all irradiated foods. Consumers should be able to easily determine if their food has been irradiated. Labels should also be required for irradiated ingredients of compound foods, and for restaurant and institutional foods.
· Because irradiation can deplete vitamins, labels should state the amount of vitamin loss after irradiation, especially for fresh foods that are usually eaten fresh. Consumers have the right to know if they are buying nutritionally impaired foods.
· Current US labels are not sufficient to enable consumers to avoid irradiated food. Foods are labeled only to the first purchaser. Irradiated spices, herb teas and supplement ingredients, foods that are served in restaurants, schools, etc., or receive further processing, do not bear consumer labels. Consumer labels are required only for foods sold whole (like a piece of fruit) or irradiated in the package (like chicken breasts). The text with the declaration of irradiation can be as small as the type face on the ingredient label. The US Department of Agriculture requirements have one difference: irradiated meat or poultry that is part of another food (like a tv dinner) must be disclosed on the label.
· The US Food and Drug Administration is currently rewriting the regulation for minimum labeling, and will release it for public comment by early 2002. They may eliminate all required text labels. If they do retain the labels, Congress has told them to use a "friendly" euphemism instead of "irradiation."

Electron-beam irradiation today means nuclear irradiation tomorrow.
· The source of the irradiation is not listed on the label.
· The original sponsor of food irradiation in the US was the Department of Energy, which wanted to create a favorable image of nuclear power as well as dispose of radioactive waste. These goals have not changed. Cobalt-60, which is used for irradiation, must be manufaactured in a nuclear reactor.
· Many foods cannot be irradiated using electron beams. E-beams only penetrate 1-1.5 inches on each side, and are suitable only for flat, evenly sized foods like patties. Large fruits, foods in boxes, and irregularly shaped foods must be irradiated using x-rays or gamma rays from nuclear materials.
· Countries that lack a cheap and reliable source of electricity for e-beams use nuclear materials. Opening U.S. markets to irradiated food encourages the spread of nuclear irradiation worldwide.

Irradiation using radioactive materials is an environmental hazard.
· The more nuclear irradiators, the more likelihood of a serious accident in transport, operation or disposal of the nuclear materials.
· Food irradiation facilities have already contaminated the environment. For example, in the state of Georgia in 1988, radioactive water escaped from an irradiation facility. The taxpayers were stuck with $47 million in cleanup costs. Radioactivity was tracked into cars and homes. In Hawaii in 1967 and New Jersey in 1982, radioactive water was flushed into the public sewer system.
· Numerous worker exposures have occurred in food irradiation facilities worldwide.

Irradiation doesn't provide clean food.
· Because irradiation doesn't kill all the bacteria in a food, the ones that survive are by definition radiation-resistant. These bacteria will multiply and eventually work their way back to the 'animal factories'. Soon thereafter, the bacteria that contaminate the meat will no longer be killed by currently approved doses of irradiation. The technology will no longer be usable, while stronger bacteria contaminate our food supply.
· People may become more careless about sanitation if irradiation is widely used. Irradiation doesn't kill all the bacteria in a food. In a few hours at room temperature, the bacteria remaining in meat or poultry after irradiation can multiply to the level existing before irradiation.
· Some bacteria, like the one that causes botulism, as well as viruses and prions (which are believed to cause Mad Cow Disease) are not killed by current doses of irradiation.
· Irradiation encourages food producers to cut corners on sanitation, because they can 'clean up' the food just before it is shipped.

Irradiation does nothing to change the way food is grown and produced.
· Irradiated foods can have longer shelf lives than non-irradiated foods, which means they can be shipped further while appearing 'fresh.' Food grown by giant farms far away may last longer than non-irradiated, locally grown food, even if it is inferior in nutrition and taste. Thus, irradiation encourages centralization and hurts small farmers. 

· The use of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and other agrichemicals, as well as pollution and energy use, are not affected. Irradiation is applied by the packer after harvest or slaughter.
· Free-market economists say irradiation is 'efficient': it provides the cheapest possible food for the least possible risk. But these economists are not concerned about the impaired nutritional quality of the food. They are not considering the environmental effects of large-scale corporate farming, the social costs of centralization of agriculture and loss of family farms, the replacement of unionized, impartial government inspectors with company inspectors, the potential long-term damage to human health, and the possibility of irradiation-resistant super-bacteria. All of these developments should be (but are not) considered when regulators and public health officials evaluate the benefits of food irradiation.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION (EMF), passed on by Mis Perception


Taken from Dr Mercola's site

Electromagnetic pollution is a concern for everyone. Increasing news coverage, studies, and even new legislation are all helping educate the public on radiation risks.
One of the foremost experts in electromagnetic pollution is Camilla Rees. She has devoted herself to making people aware of the threat of electrosmog and bringing the problem into the public consciousness.
She has packaged EMF education for distribution to audiences including Congress, state legislatures, health practitioners, patients, schools, businesses, and parents.
Many experts in the field of reducing electromagnetic pollution praise and appreciate the work Camilla has done.
A two-part profile of Camilla Rees and the work she has been doing, originally published in Explore! Magazine for health professionals, has been linked below. You can read about her journey, the growing problem, and the possible solutions. According to the articles:
"[Rees says,] 'This is a species issue ... There is early evidence there may be a link between EMF exposures and autism ... We know radiation is affecting our DNA and jeopardizing the health of future generations. There is research from many countries now showing dramatic decline in sperm count from exposure to cell phone radiation ...
I really don't think it's possible, when you know the disturbing truth, to stop caring -- to stop wanting to support life.'"

Do the words "electrosmog," "dirty electricity," "electrical pollution," and "electrohypersensitivity" mean anything to you? If not, mark my words, they will one day soon.
The threat of numerous forms of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to human health is becoming increasingly clear, and thanks to champions like Camilla Rees, the dangers are beginning to permeate the mainstream media.
I highly recommend you read through the two-part article linked above when you have a few minutes, as it provides an intriguing overview of this global health issue, including how Rees is working tirelessly to bring this issue to the forefront of not only the media but also government, health practitioners, schools, businesses and parents' agendas.
Her web site, www.ElectroMagneticHealth.org, is a tremendous resource of EMF knowledge and if you're new to this subject it's an excellent starting point. You can also watch this video of Camilla Rees presenting an overview of the heath dangers of excessive exposures to microwave radiation from wireless technologies.
As she told Explore! Magazine in the above article, it's necessary to get the word out about the serious health impacts of EMFs as we are already being exposed at unprecedented levels, whether we like it or not:
"The issue wasn't being covered in the media, and we needed to sensitize journalists and governments to its importance.
Despite the extraordinary influence of the telecom industry on global governments; significant telecom ad revenue received by media outlets resulting in disincentives to cover cell phone and wireless hazards; and the fact that consumers really like a lot of these new communications technologies …
I still trusted that with consistent, credible scientific and medical information delivered to those who could influence change, that we could open up peoples eyes, and once people understood the seriousness of the human health consequences, the right things would eventually be done to protect public health. This was my hope."

Why We Urgently Need More Awareness about Electromagnetic Pollution

We currently exist in an environment that has never before occurred in nature, one that is teeming with varying levels of electrical pollution, or "electrosmog."
This comes from obvious sources like radiofrequency communications -- cordless phones, wireless devices, cell phones and cell phone towers -- as well as the wiring in your walls, electrical outlets, extension cords, lamps, and other electricity sources.
For instance, you could be impacted by power lines to your home that run underground near your sleeping area. Or your cordless phone base station could be giving you health troubles even if it's in another room.
A wireless router in your kitchen or bedroom, or your habit of visiting a "hot spot" for free WI-FI every morning could also be problematic -- even wireless baby monitors and your wireless printer are part of the pervasive "electromagnetic soup" to which we're all now exposed.
As Explore! Magazine author Eve Greenberg, M.A. wrote: 
"B. Blake Levitt, Former New York Times writer and author of "Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves, and Editor of Cell Towers, Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard?" explains in Rees' book, "Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution" that
"... It turns out that most living things are fantastically sensitive to vanishingly small EMF exposures. Living cells interpret such exposures as part of our normal cellular activities (think heartbeats, brainwaves, cell division itself, etc.) The problem is, man-made electromagnetic exposures aren't "normal". They are artificial artifacts, with unusual intensities, signaling characteristics, pulsing patterns, and wave forms. And they can misdirect cells in myriad ways."
You generally cannot feel or touch EMFs and electricity in your environment, but it's becoming increasingly clear that your cells are indeed impacted. Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure include (and this is only a partial list):
Many cancers
Neurological conditions
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Sleep disorders
Cognitive problems
Cardiovascular irregularities
Hormone disruption
Immune system disorders
Metabolism changes
Stress and Mineral disruption
Fertility impairment
Increased blood-brain barrier permeability
DNA damage
In fact, in Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization, epidemiologist Sam Milham, MD points out that the major diseases plaguing modern man -- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. -- may be triggered by this prevalent, yet nearly entirely overlooked, cause.
After analyzing health demographic data going back to the early part of the 20th century, Dr. Milham showed that populations without electrification experienced less disease than in urban areas with electrification, and that rural death rates correlated with levels of electrical service for most causes examined. Conditions linked to electrification included cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and suicide.
Dr, Milham says the era of cell phones and WI-FI is really the 2nd major wave of electromagnetic exposure to humans, the first being the introduction of electrification in the early 1900s. Most of America was not electrified until 1956, which allowed Dr. Milham to do this important research comparing health statistics in urban areas, rural electrified areas and rural non-electrified areas, and allowing for the important discovery of the role of electrification in disease.

EMFs as a Root Cause of Illness

I often share details about the underlying causes of chronic illness. Poor diet, lack of exercise, emotional stress all of these are likely familiar to you. What may NOT be as readily apparent are the contributing factors to illness that you cannot see, feel or touch and frequently cannot easily avoid.
Environmental toxins largely make up this latter group, and EMFs are definitely among them. EMFs should be considered a harmful invader to your body just like any other environmental toxin, as they interfere with your health at the cellular and DNA levels.
As Rees said in Explore! Magazine, nearly 18 percent of U.S. GDP is from health care costs …
"What an incredible waste, if you think about this number, when so many illnesses could be prevented if people were warned about the root causes of illness. This includes everyday electromagnetic fields," she said.
"We'd have so many more human and financial resources to create a better society. It's really a travesty that we talk about 'prevention' without first acknowledging all of the sources of imbalance we are trying to prevent, including the environmental ones."
People living in most cities and suburbs are literally bathed in a variety of electromagnetic fields, microwave radiation and dirty electricity 24/7. If we refuse to address the potential hazards of this way of life, we may end up with a currently inconceivable health catastrophe on a worldwide scale.

Certain People are Especially at Risk

It is estimated that 3-8 percent of populations in developed countries experience serious electrohypersensitivity symptoms, while 35 percent experience mild symptoms, according to Dr. Thomas Rau, medical director of the world-renowned Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.
Dr. Rau also believes that 'electromagnetic loads' lead to cancer, concentration problems, ADD, tinnitus, migraines, insomnia, arrhythmia, Parkinson's and even back pain. You can listen to an audio interview with Dr. Rau on www.electromagnetichealth.org.
For people with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS), just walking into a coffee shop that is WI-FI equipped can be debilitating, triggering a wide array of symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea, burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches.
Some students have to drop out of school or are unable to continue on to graduate programs once they become electrically sensitive, irrespective of their intelligence and capabilities. Even just briefly standing on line at the post office, or traveling on public transportation, can be a debilitating experience for some people, sometimes taking hours to restore balance.
Because the symptoms are subjective and vary between individuals, it makes the condition difficult to study, but with the work of Magda Havas, PhD, of the Environmental & Resources Studies Department at Trent University, Canada and others, acceptance is slowly growing and the real health effects of EMF are becoming harder to deny.
For instance, recent research from Dr. Havas revealed that a cordless phone base station placed about two feet from your head and plugged in for three minutes at a time can significantly disrupt your heart rhythm, leading to increases in heart rate, arrhythmias and other disturbances in heart rate variability.
This is among the most solid proof that the effects of EMF radiation are real, as are the symptoms that some people readily experience when they're around such microwave-emitting devices. The biological effects on the heart in the Havas study were found at .3% of the FCC exposure limits.
Researchers have, in fact, found that there are a number of factors that influence the degree to which you may be affected by EMFs. For example, according to research by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, your physical body, such as your body weight, body-mass index, bone density, and water and electrolyte levels can alter the conductivity and biological reactivity to EMFs.
Heavy metals in your brain also act as micro-antennas, concentrating and increasing reception of EMF radiation. Likewise, any kind of metal implants and/or amalgam tooth fillings will significantly increase reception of microwaves, and the mircrocurrents from cell phones and other ambient fields. This is yet another major reason for having your mercury fillings removed by a trained biological dentist.
People who suffer from diseases that cause myelin loss, such as muscular sclerosis, Lyme disease, and other autoimmune diseases are also at greater risk of electro-sensitivity.
Children are also particularly vulnerable.Dr. Klinghardt has noted this radiation can easily flip certain genes in the mitochondria. If this gene sequence is altered in a pregnant woman, she can pass her damaged mitochondria on to her child. The child can then develop a mitochondrial disorder, which can include muscular atrophy and severe developmental problems.
While there are now EMF-Free Zones forming around the globe, such as in southern France, Spain and Italy, these areas are not yet widely available so virtually everyone is still exposed to EMF, even if they're hypersensitive to it. Or if people are severely hypersensitive, they often must go off and live in the mountains or very rural areas where it is easier to find refuge.
What is truly needed is a strong worldwide initiative that focuses on green buildings, green electronics, green IT and new energy technologies that acknowledge the health consequences of these technologies and take steps to effectively reduce them.
Today, much of the green movement is focused on reducing the carbon footprint without considering the biological effects of the new technologies employed, many of which are hazardous, such as 'green buildings' filled with sensors, solar panels installed without recognizing and filtering the dirty electricity generated, wind farms whose vibrations impact the neighbors' health, etc.

How to Protect Yourself From EMFs

An excellent first step, and one that Rees is particularly passionate about, is to test your home and work environment for EMF. The web site www.emfsafetystore.com offers a helpful summary of the various meters recommended to detect EMF and dirty electricity in your home.
If you find elevated levels of dirty electricity, filters and various shields are available to help neutralize them. And if the levels of RF are high, you can carefully shield with special grounded paints, fabrics for curtain linings, and plastic film for the windows (where much RF comes into the house). All of these can be found at www.emfsafetystore.com.
To further avoid EMF exposure, or for those who are especially sensitive, during the night when your body is trying to repair and rebuild:
  • Turn off all the fuses at night that supply your bedroom. You can install a 'demand switch' at your bedside to make this very convenient.
  • Shield your bed with a special metalized fabric canopy to protect yourself from harmful frequencies that can disrupt cellular communication.
  • If you are constructing a new home or renovating one and the walls are being rebuilt you can install radiant barrier, which is a tough type of aluminum foil that will also very effectively screen out the EMF. This is what I did for my own bedroom.
  • At minimum, move your bed so that your head is at least 3-6 feet from all electrical outlets. If you are constructing the walls you can put the wires inside pipes, which will virtually eliminate the fields that are generated in the room when the current runs through the wire.
  • Turn off and unplug everything electrical in your sleeping area, including your computer, WI-FI, cell and portable phones.
  • Sleep on a non-metal bed and mattress.
  • Be aware that cell phones and WI-FI are not the only EMF sources you need to be cautious of. Essentially, most all electronics will generate EMFs, including the wiring in your home, electric alarm clocks, electric blankets, computers and lamps, just to mention a few.
For best results, avoid using electric blankets and electric heating pads, and unplug all electrical appliances when not in use. Even better, at night, turn off the fuses directly.
  • Protect yourself from cordless phones. If you want to avoid the radiation you should switch back to a wired landline and ditch your cordless phone entirely.
If you must use a conventional cordless phone, be sure to keep the base station at least three rooms away from where everyone sleeps and where you spend the most time during the day. Or simply keep it off except in the limited circumstances when you feel you need to use it.
The base station of a DECT phone always transmits at full power, so this is not a device you want sitting on your nightstand next to your bed, on your kitchen counter or even on at all if it is not necessary.

9 Questions That Stump Every Pro-Vaccine Advocate and Their Claims, passed on by Mis Perception

1. What to ask: Could you please provide one double-blind, placebo-controlled study that can prove the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

.... What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence on ANY study which can confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

3. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence which can prove that disease reduction in any part of the world, at any point in history was attributable to inoculation of populations?

4. What to ask: Could you please explain how the safety and mechanism of vaccines in the human body are scientifically proven if their pharmacokinetics (the study of bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients) are never examined or analyzed in any vaccine study?

5. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how injecting a human being with a confirmed neurotoxin is beneficial to human health and prevents disease?

6. What to ask: Can you provide a risk/benefit profile on how the benefits of injecting a known neurotoxin exceeds its risks to human health for the intended goal of preventing disease?

7. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how bypassing the respiratory tract (or mucous membrane) is advantageous and how directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream enhances immune functioning and prevents future infections?

8. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how a vaccine would prevent viruses from mutating?

9. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how a vaccination can target a virus in an infected individual who does not have the exact viral configuration or strain the vaccine was developed for?

Monday, 4 April 2011

My shopping list, by Mis Perception

I buy things like sweet potatos, line caught fish, brazil nuts, aubergines, leeks, asparagus, butternut squash, brocolli, plenty of peppers (colourful ones the best), duck eggs, goats milk (aim for non-pasteurised from a farm if you can get it), humous, gluten/wheat free crackers and crispbreads, avocado, onions, tomatoes, spinach, shellfish, probiotic plain yoghurt, xylitol sweetener, paprika, mixed hebs, tumeric (in my scrambled eggs),garlic, oregano, cayenne pepper, gluten/wheat free cooking sauces (Morrisons have best in Free From range, kallo organic rice cakes, pure organic butter, coconut oil (cook with/or ghee), miso soup, flax oil (dressing) or flaxseed (on cereal/soup), seed/grains, brown rice, brown rice puffed cereal, Dove Farm organic corn/buckwheat flakes (no sugar), all things including meat must be organic (for red meat lamb is best, also chicken and fish), dairy free mayo.. Cacao nibs are a very healthy snack. I also sprout lentils, aduki beans, mung beans etc to throw on salads and eggs etc. Tasty.. You can order a lot of stuff cheaply from infinity foods in Brighton.

How to deal with Cancer, By Lee Cowap and Mis Perception

Please note that the information provided below is partly sourced through extensive research of the subject(s) and partly through direct experience of the supplements listed. 

When you scrape under the surface of the NHS, and the cancer 'industry' in general, that you begin to realise it's all driven by £££ and not the wellbeing of the patient.

The first thing to realise is that beating it is a 4 pronged attack:

1, Starve the cancer cells and kill them off - The FIRST thing you should do is cut ALL sugar out of your diet as cancer cells need sugar to survive, without it they die. It might be hard work checking labels all the time but it really is a must.
Also take the H2o2 to create an oxygenised environment, cancer cells can only live in an anaerobic environment.
2, Kill the cells directly - This is B17 and Bicarb of soda, both directly kill the cells. The B17 I will send you a link of where to buy the apricot kernals from, and another link as to how to take the bicarb. You need to take the bicarb with molasses, which are basically a sugar substitute. This is so the cancer cells respond to the molasses and open up, then the bicarb enters the cells and neutralises them, rendering them harmless.
3, Detox your body - One of the main causes of cancer is toxicity of the body. This can be mercury, aluminium, barium, lead, parasites, fungus, bacteria, the list is endless....
4, Build up your immune system - Once the first three are up and running your immune system will be able to do the rest and finish it off, if you strengthen it enough. 

The key to it is positivity, and if you carry out the above and keep a positive mind then over 90% of people who undertake alternative cancer treatments the right way cure themselves, (FACT you won't hear from the docs). Well their body does, given the right environment to do it. Docs are told to offer only THREE treatments, surgery, chemo and radiotherapy and that's it. Can you believe after all these years the best they can do is offer to either slash you, poison you or microwave you. 

http://www.cancerfightingstrategies.com/ (great info - although it says you can use in conjunction with chemo/radio therapy - I would recommend exercising great caution when deciding to use these treatments as they're very damaging to your immune system... dangerous - see below).

Supplements known to effectively tackle Cancer

B17, or Laetrile as it's sometimes called. This can be found in Apricot Kernals and apple seeds. You can buy large pots of Apricot Kernals (which are the seeds in the middle of the apricot stones) for about £5 from health food shops. It will state on there not to take more than 2 a day but some cancer sufferers have taken anything up to 50 a day to beat it, with no ill effects. (Lee has taken 10 a day for months now and still do and it's done him no harm). Mother nature doesn't generally produce edible poisons, unlike the pharmaceutical companies, who put pressure on government so that health food shops (misintentionally) misinform the public, e.g. in the case of apricot kernals. 

Bicarbonate of soda - Get it from Bobby's Health Store on the net as is much better quality than supermarket (as with everything!). Try to buy organic and aluminium free stuff from somewhere at the very least. 

Hydrogen peroxide (H202) therapy (I take this every day - ebook link below). Make sure you use filtered water with this and follow the guide). You can buy it on Ebay if you're in the UK. See details below. 

Chlorella and spirulina combination, or Maca
(Rainforest foods online) - in tablet form 180 x 400g, 6-8 per day. Great immune booster. This might be more palatable than the chlorella powder my friend mentioned in his other email.

Lapacho tea (Pau D'arco)
- excellent immune booster has been known to cure cancer ALONE (buy from Rio Amazon online, supplement strength).

Vitamin D - DLux spray, buy on line take 5 sprays per day at once. Vitamin D3, also known as good old sunlight, helps beat cancer by kickstarting your immune system into top gear, which then in turn kills the cells itself. As we don't get much sunlight in Manchester, even in summer, then the next best thing is to use a sunbed. All the rubbish about sunbeds being bad for you was started by the cancer industry, as the UVB rays cause the body to produce Vitamin D, which kickstarts a chain reaction which boosts your whole system. Cancer rates are much lower in parts of the world that are warmer.  Or just go on holiday somewhere hot!! A common theme you'll find through all your research is the suppression of cheap, natural cures by mainstream medicine, in favour of using pharmaceutical drugs, which is all profit driven.

You can also get Vitamin D3 oral spray, but as ever you need to take way above the recommended dosage, which is always set too low as to be ineffective. This will do you no harm whatsoever. http://www.betteryou.uk.com/d-lux-1000-daily-vitamin-d3-oral-spray-pid24.html

Also VERY important is Vitamin C megadosing - MUST use powder. Ascorbic acid is the best type. You can buy online, avoid high street stores - content is rubbish. Take a flat teaspoon (3g) of this x three per  day but bear in mind this can upset the bowell which is not dangerous but annoying, your body must develop a tolerance to it and then you can increase the dosages further. All humans are vit c deficient as we lack a gene (as opposed to animals) which produces it naturally in times of stress or illness. When we are ill we use 100g a day of it and if we don't have that from our food (unlikely) we must replenish it elsewhere. It cleanses the liver and kidneys and is important in curing any illness. - avoid taking an hour before or after H202 as the two can react together - they are perfectly safe and a good combination just not at the exact same time (see below under H202).

With Hydrogen peroxide 35% it is best to take a vitamin E supplement/eat nuts or something vit E rich, and probiotics daily - Udo is the best probotic supplement. Buy 35% food grade (h202) and get yourself a litre of it as when you have Cancer you will need to take a lot more of it for an extended period. You need to take it with proper filtered water which is important, because as per the other email, chlorine in tap/bottled water takes makes the oxygen oxidise in the water and therefore it isn't as effective inside you. Also, you should only drink clean water anyway because disease thrives in an oxygen free environment and chlorine/chloride takes the oxygen out of your cells encouraging the cancer to grow. My gravity water filter is from the Nutriheal Foundation and is has twin cartridge fluoride/chloride filter. It's £124 but well worth it. they will send really quickly as well. 

Make sure with h202 you don't take it at the same time as vitamin C (leave it at least an hour between) and the same goes for food because the h202 can oxidise in your tummy with bacteria from the food so leave it at least an hour. You need to get a dropper bottle (atleast 50ml) off ebay to administer it and don't touch the stuff without diluting it first as it will oxidise on your skin and burns a little. It won't harm you at all but it goes white and stings! I take it every day @ 10 drops per day every morning - this is the maintenance dose, make sure you follow the guide for the first month on how much to take daily. Or find me on Facebook: Mis Perception, and I'm happy to discuss what I did. Highly recommend reading the ebooks available for this product though. It will tell you about the 3% solution and it's many uses also.

Ebook available at: www.foodgrade-hydrogenperoxide.com

The most important thing to realise is that beating Cancer is a holistic approach encompassing every part of your lifestyle and body. The reason we get it is because it it's occurred over time as there has been a breakdown internally somewhere, so there's no one thing to take or do to beat it. Cancer is just your bodies way of flagging up there is an issue somewhere, and conventional medicine just treats the symptom i.e attacks the tumour etc.. and not WHY it occurred in the first place. Address that and it'll never come back; just beat the tumour or cancer cells into submission for a bit and they'll come back eventually as the root cause hasn't been dealt with.


Most, if not all, of the below you will not find from your doctor or specialist as it's not their job to treat the causes, just the symptoms, and cancer is BIG business for the pharmaceutical mafia.


There are three major themes running through which need to be addressed before you start on the alternative 'cures'.

The first is that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, and most of us are acidic internally due to the foods we eat, liquids we drink and the lifestyle we lead. Therefore the first objective is to get your internal pH level back to where it should be, which is around 7.365. You can buy pH strips on ebay to check yourself.
The most alkaline substance we have at our disposal is simple (aluminium free) Bicarbonate of Soda (see below website at the bottom)which has a pH level of 14 and taken daily, with natural honey or molasses to get it into your bloodstream quicker, will help regulate your levels. People have beaten cancer wtih just this on it's own it's so effective, but it's rare so best combine it with a whole approach. Using it with organic, unpasteurised, apple cider vinegar helps it ten fold.

You need to combine this with an alkaline diet as well, with what you eat as important and damaging as what you don't eat. See attached


The second point is that all cancer cells feed on sugar, and if you deprive them of this then they die off. Simple but true. So cutting out all sugar and sugar-related products is another vital point. Note that most fruit is full of sugar, (albeit natural but cancer cells don't differentiate between refined and natural) so bear that in mind. Use alternatives like Xylitol and Stevia if you need to sweeten things. See attached.

The third is that cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygenated environment, so the objective is to get as much oxygen into your body as possible. Their are three main ways to do this, all of which I do myself;
The first is the water you drink, so get a water filter that filters out the chlorine in our tap water as chlorine reduces the oxygen content in water.
The second (and more important) is to get a shower filter which again eliminates the chlorine, as having a 10 minute shower is the equivalent of drinking a gallon of chlorinated water, through absorption through the pores.
You could get a whole house filter to, but that's a bit more expensive. http://www.aquatiere.co.uk/index/index.php
Third is to take hydrogen peroxide (as above). You won't hear this from your doctor or cancer specialist as this product alone helps to cure most degenerative diseases, and the last thing the multi billion pound cancer industry wants is a cure.

Also regular exercise to help lung capacity is another way to get more oxygen into your blood supply.

Cancer is also said to be simply a fungus as it shares many a similarity with simple candida, nothing to do with fancy DNA and gene research, which again, is a money spinner. So to follow a yeast-free candida diet (which I did for three months earlier this year and cured every minor ailment I had) helps to eliminate the fungus and hence the cancer dies off.

One point of note is that over 90% of cancer doctors themselves would not have chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which tells you all you need to know about their effectiveness.
One website which I would highly recommend is one in which one man, on finding his young son had advanced cancer, set out on a mission to research all natural ways to beat it, and as his son made a full recovery from a very aggressive form of cancer, he devoted a website to telling everyone else out there about all the products he used, and lists them all. A lot of the products I mentioned above you can get here. Excellent website, and proof that going alternative actually works. http://www.bobbys-healthy-shop.co.uk/

You'll need to detoxify yourself from all heavy metals as well as every one of us is a walking cancer timebomb with the amount of aluminium, mercury, lead etc...we have in our system. One product I use weekly now is Bentonite clay, to bathe in and internally. Diatomaceaous Earth does the same job (see other blog post).  http://www.detoxpeople.eu/index.php?l=product_list&c=8

Another pollutant is mercury (amalgam/silver fillings) and aluminium (anti-perspirant deodarants) poisoning, which we all have to a certain extent.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, passed on by Mis Perception

The more you hear about this incredible product, the more you will be convinced that you need to make it a part of your daily routine. Everyday brings evidence that the more people turn to nature and natural diets and homeopathic remedies for what ails them, the healthier and happier they are. Clearly, all that we need for our well being is provided to us by nature. This is certainly true for diatomaceous earth.
There are several uses for DE, but remarkably, now, humans too can benefit from the cleansing, filtering agents of diatomaceous earth. It is apparent from the research and antidotal evidence, that food grade diatomaceous earth provides multiple health advantages for humans and animals as well. Used as a daily treatment, diatomaceous earth can alleviate the potentially deadly risks of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and obesity, ameliorate annoying and stressful issues stemming from intestinal bacteria and parasites, bronchia inflammation, kidney and urinary infections, irregular bowels, as well as assist with vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, and acts as an anti-inflammatory. Diatomaceous earth is hands down the best remedy for parasites in our bodies. Studies show diatomaceous earth can help those suffering with diabetics and with arterial disease, joint pain and, may, prevent or alleviate Alzheimer disease by preventing the absorption of aluminum. Diatomaceous Earth is Mother Nature's product with no harm to the environment, pets or people. A small amount of Diatomaceous Earth gets absorbed into the blood stream as silica. One of the benefits of Silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats.

Diatomaceous earth is the ground up shells of diatoms, ancient sub-aquatic material. These microscopic sponges can absorb and trap particles to 3 microns. This miraculous filter system works in our bodies to trap and eliminate toxins and clean our internal systems for improved health as these harmful elements are passed through the body---without chemicals! Once our diets naturally included sufficient silica, but with depleted soils, hybrid crops, and over processing of foodstuffs, only about 1/3 of the required silica is consumed. Diatomaceous Earth is over 60% silica and when taken, makes up this deficiency. This natural substance has similar benefits for pets and animals too. Additionally, DE is a natural insect killer-killing by physical action instead of chemical. The DE gets on the insect and scratches their waxy coating off causing dehydration and death. Consumers can find totally organic, safe, and pure Perma-Guard Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, online at Earthworkshealth.com, a family owned and operated business since 1968.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth contains less than 1% of crystalline silica. As a safety precaution, you may wish to use a dust mask if you will be exposed to airborne DE dust for prolonged periods.
Energy and nutrition shakes are all the rage...but what if I told you that adding diatomaceous earth to your daily regime would take your body's health to a whole new level for a fraction of the cost? Believe it or not there is an age-old product out there that takes care of your mortal enemies (such as pesky bugs) while making you healthier while vitalizing you with a stronger immune system.

Diatomaceous earth is the remains of fossilized algae. Yes, really. Diatomaceous earth contains silica, sodium, magnesium, and iron exclusively. While that doesn't sound too appetizing by itself, FOOD GRADE (not POOL grade) diatomaceous earth is perfectly fine to ingest. Mined diatomaceous earth is usually around 1,000 years old (gleaned from lakes and sea beds all over the Western United States); which means that it has an unlimited shelf life!
You might be thinking at this point...SO...what does that have to do with me and mine? Well, one of the attributes of diatomaceous earth is its distinguished capability to "de-worm". It's commonly used to eliminate parasites and worms in livestock and pets; and what's not quite so known is that it does the same job on humans, too! Aren't multi-purpose items grand? Here are some of DE's other features:
  • Heat resistant
  • Absorbs liquid
  • Natural insecticide (spray this around your house to keep the bugs out!)
  • Reduces the nasty smell of waste (sweet!)
  • Mild abrasive
  • Blood clotting agent
  • Water filtration aid
  • Combats parasites (including: mealworms, fleas, ticks, bed bugs, ants, cockroaches, slugs, and worms)
  • Easily digestible
  • Keeps stored grain free from parasites without killing the grain (read on...)

However, there are a few downsides that should be noted. Diatomaceous earth is a drying agent, so it will irritate your eyes upon immediate contact and will also irritate your skin after long periods of contact. You should also be careful in disseminating it throughout your garden area too heavily or too deeply as it can also kill off helpful garden critters like lady bugs, bees, and earthworms.

Now, I'll bet you're wondering how something that can be used as an insecticide could also be safe for human consumption. As long as you purchase the FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth, it is perfectly harmless to humans, helping to absorb endotoxins and regulate digestion. However, it's NOT so harmless to things such as: e-coli, detrimental bacteria, viruses, ethyl mercury, drug residue, and parasites! Also, when you purchase diatomaceous earth, make sure it's not only food grade, but also as pure white in color as you can find (the grayer it is, the more clay it contains). Just simply take the recommended dosage of a mere 1 tablespoon daily to experience all the benefits I mentioned. Oh, and by the way, it's completely safe for children and pregnant women, too.

Now, let's address your grain storage. Did you know that wheat (and other grain) is best eaten while they are still living, breathing organisms? Only "live" grains have the ability to sprout-which increases their nutritional value ten-fold. And even if you don't sprout it upon opening your container of grain, using it in its grain form is MUCH more nutritious when the grain is still alive. In order to maintain its ability to sprout after storage, wheat and other grains must be allowed to breath. So what happens when you place an oxygen absorber in your bucket of grain before sealing the lid? Yep, you guessed it-all the oxygen is removed, essentially sucking the breath and life out of your grain-thus rendering it dead and unable to sprout, thereby decreasing the nutritional value as well.

Another issue with grain storage is the amount of weevil eggs inherently found in stored grain. A study by ACRES, USA determined that untreated grain stored for a mere 12 months contained 16,994 insects in it! However, the grain treated with diatomaceous earth only had 15-you decide. Additionally, it only takes a single tablespoon of diatomaceous earth in a 5 pound bucket of grain to hinder insect infestation. So you get less insects AND all the health benefits in one fell swoop! Not only that, but adding diatomaceous earth to your stored grains will actually add 15 trace minerals to your grain-now THAT'S a plus!

Live like an animal and anti radiation advice


We are animals.
When we lived in earlier times we lived by the elements.
Earth, air, fire and water.
As animals we would feast on the delicacies of the forest.
We would breathe pure air.
We would enjoy the sun on our bodies.
We would drink pure water.
These four elements are health.

To live like an animal, even in these modern times we can .................

Earth ourselves, get back into harmony with nature by touching the ground with our bare feet, by feasting on naturally grown seasonal foods.
Back then in the forest when the strawberry, bilberry or raspberry season arrived what did we do? Fill a small punnet? Hardly; we would have gorged ourselves and taken home as much as we could carry. We would also at the appropriate times of year have feasted on the nuts, mushrooms, grains, roots, shoots, fruits, the fruits of the seas and rivers, eggs, honey, herbs, tubers, raw, sundried or fermented , living food, whatever we came across, one food at a time, the abundance, that millennia of ancestral experience had taught us how to find. We need to physically earth ourselves too. As animals we touched the ground with our bare feet.
Easy tests:
Candida. Spit in glass of water on waking. Check every 15 minutes, If trails fall from the spit towards the bottom of the glass, you have candida. If after an hour the spit has no trails you probably don’t have a systemic infection. It is still possible that a local candida infection exists however and may be ‘hiding’.
Perhaps candida fungal infections (thrush) are one of the most commonly occurring problems that many people have.
Anti candida agents include reishi, chaga and agaricus mushrooms and their extracts. and the teas of pau d’arco and horsetail.

Iodine. Dab your arm with some iodine. If it is absorbed by the skin within an hour you are deficient, if it still shows after 4 hours you are probably not.

Anti radiation advice:
To protect oneself, family, friends and animals we need to consider the following:








Vitamins/Supplements A to E, by Dominic

Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C


Vitamin C, also know as ascorbic acid, is found in a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Good sources include peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, oranges and kiwi fruit.

How much do I need?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
You cannot get all the vitamin C you need from your daily diet. Adults need lots more than the RDA of 40mg a day due to the amount of processed foods and lack of fresh ‘live’ food eaten these days. With the new research information that’s available now it is now proven that if taken in large amounts (megascorbic) this essential nutrient can prevent and cure many degenerative diseases. Suggested intakes of 5000mg and over are not unusual and if at any time symptoms manifest then it is suggested to double the dose until they go away. Every single living cell in the body uses vitamin C but rarely is there enough available to do so. In tests, high doses have been shown to actually help clear arteries of plaque and prevent build up of it there by preventing heart disease. In the book written by Irwin Stone in 1972 called “The healing Factor” he studies its uses and effects in detail and says that…… “Vitamin C may save your life!  A noted biochemist reveals for laymen the exciting research into ascorbic acid's powers against such deadly enemies as cancer, heart disease, strokes, mental illness, old age, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, hepatitis – even alcoholism & cigarette smoking!”
At BewellHealthy.com we suggest everyone should read this book as it will possibly change your life and maybe even save it using a cheap simple to take everyday food supplement.
Go To http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/stone/ and down load your free copy online now.

What does it do?

Vitamin C has hundreds of life preserving crucial functions. For example it:
  • Helps produce hundreds of crucial immune processes
  • helps protect cells and keeps them healthy
·         helps the body absorb iron from food
·         helps produce collagen in the body to bind tissues together
·         acts as a powerful anti oxidant
·         acts as an antibiotic (with no side effects)
·         acts as an antibacterial
·         acts as an antifungal
·         acts by helping leucocyte (white blood cell) production

For more Vit C details go to http://www.drsgoodman.com/vitamin-c-chapter4.php

What happens if I take too much?

Taking large amounts of vitamin C can sometimes cause mild stomach discomfort, diarrhea and flatulence. But these symptoms will disappear once you reach the correct amount for your needs at the time.
It is important to know that the vast majority of Vitamin C on the market is mostly useless. It is advised to avoid any of the well know brands of Vitamin C available in big high street chemist and sometimes even corner shops. These are mostly nutritionally valueless due to them being made from the wrong kind of vitamin C which is also m ad the wrong way. When ascorbic acid is synthesized on a mass production line there are 2 kinds of product produced.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is also known as retinol. Good sources of vitamin A include cheese, eggs, oily fish (such as mackerel), milk, fortified margarine and yoghurt.
Liver is also a rich source of vitamin A. But, because it's such a rich source, if you already eat it every week, you might want to choose not to have it more often.
If you're pregnant, you should avoid eating liver because of the amount of vitamin A it contains.

How much do I need?
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means you don't need it every day because any of the vitamin your body doesn't need immediately is stored for future use.
You should be able to get all the vitamin A you need from your daily diet. This is:
0.7 mg a day for men
0.6 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Vitamin A has a number of important functions. For example it:
helps maintain the health of skin and mucus linings (in the nose for example)
helps strengthen immunity from infections
helps vision in dim light

What happens if I take too much?

Some research suggests that having more than an average of 1.5mg per day of vitamin A over many years may affect your bones and make them more likely to fracture when you're older.
Older people, particularly women, are already at risk of osteoporosis. This is where bone density reduces and so the risk of fractures increases.
If you eat liver or liver products such as pâté once a week, you are likely to be having, on average, 1.5mg of vitamin A per day.
If you aren't getting enough vitamin D, you might be more at risk of the harmful effects of too much vitamin A. People who may be particularly short of vitamin D include women of Asian origin who always cover up their skin when they're outside and older people who rarely get outdoors. So if you're short of this vitamin it might be a good idea to boost the amount of vitamin D you're getting. Good sources of vitamin D include oily fish and eggs. The best source of vitamin D is summer sunlight – but remember, if you're out in the sun, take care not to burn.
Many multivitamins contain vitamin A. Other supplements, such as fish liver oil, are also high in vitamin A. So if you take supplements containing vitamin A, make sure you don't have more than a total of 1.5mg per day from your food and supplements. If you eat liver every week, you should avoid taking any supplements that contain vitamin A.

If you're pregnant, having large amounts of vitamin A can harm your unborn baby. Therefore, if you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby, you should avoid eating liver or liver products such as pâté because these are very high in vitamin A. You should also avoid taking supplements that contain vitamin A. Ask your GP or midwife if you would like more information.

Vitamin B1
Thiamin, also known as vitamin B1, is found in most types of food. Good sources include pork, vegetables, milk, cheese, peas, fresh and dried fruit, eggs, wholegrain breads.

How much do I need?

Thiamin is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex (vitamin B1), whose phosphate derivatives are involved in many cellular processes including breaking down and using sugars and various amino acids. If there is a deficiency it causes beriberi which affects the nervous and cardiovascular system which can be fatal if immediate thiamine supplementation is not provided.
You should be able to get all the thiamin you need from your daily diet. This is:
1 mg a day for men
0.8 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Thiamin has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • works with other B-group vitamins to help break down and release energy from the food we eat
  • helps keep nerves and muscle tissue healthy

What happens if I take too much?

There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of thiamin supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get all the thiamin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful.
Taking 100 mg or less of thiamin supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin B2
Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is found in small amounts in many foods. Good sources include milk, eggs, fortified breakfast cereals, rice and mushrooms.
UV light can destroy riboflavin, so ideally these foods should be kept out of direct sunlight.

How much do I need?

Riboflavin is water-soluble, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
You should be able to get all the riboflavin you need from your daily diet. This is approximately:
1.3 mg a day for men
1.1 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Riboflavin has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • helps keep skin, eyes, the nervous system and mucous membranes healthy
  • helps produce steroids and red blood cells
  • may help the body absorb iron from the food we eat

What happens if I take too much?

There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of riboflavin supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get all the riboflavin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful.
Taking 40 mg or less of riboflavin supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin B3
Niacin is also known as vitamin B3. Good sources of niacin include beef, pork, chicken, wheat flour, maize flour, eggs and milk.


How much do I need?

There are two forms of niacin: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, and both are found in food. Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
You should be able to get all the niacin you need from your daily diet. This is approximately:
17 mg a day for men
13 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Niacin has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • helps produce energy from the foods we eat
  • helps keep both the nervous and digestive system healthy

What happens if I take too much?

Taking high doses of nicotinic acid supplements can cause skin flushes. Taking high doses for a long time could lead to liver damage.
There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of nicotinamide supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get the amount you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take niacin supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful.
Taking 17 mg or less of nicotinic acid supplements a day, or taking 500 mg or less of nicotinamide supplements a day, is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin B4
Vitamin B-4, also known as (Adenine) is considered to be a member of the B-Complex family.  Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) is also considered to be a water-soluble vitamin.  I want to underscore the term "considered" and the reason for this is, in factuality there is very little known about Vitamin B-4 (Adenine and its characteristics.
However, it is known that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) is a substance that acts as a co-enzyme with other substances, such as other vitamins to produce energy.  Most of our energy comes from the mitochondria, which is the power producers of a cell.  The mitochondria are like a power plant which burns fuel to produce the electricity that runs machinery.
The food we eat is the fuel that is "burned" inside the mitochondria to produce energy.  In my opinion, complex carbohydrates produce the best fuel and it is my belief that most complex carbohydrates contain Vitamin B-4 (Adenine).  A product of the above mentioned "burning" is called "adenosine triphosphate" or (ATP).  An "adenosine triphosphate" (ATP) consists of three substances: (1) Adenine (Vitamin B-4 (2) ribose, and (3) three phosphate groups.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is also produced during a process called "photosynthesis". Photosynthesis is also the process by which the plant kingdom converts carbon dioxide and water into natural organic sugars. Conversely, body cells produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in a more complicated process.  First the body's digestive system breaks down the food we eat.  The digestive system breaks carbohydrates down into natural sugar, proteins into amino-acids, and fats into fatty acids.
The blood carries these substances to all the cells in the body.  In the cytoplasm, the natural sugars are broken down into pyruvic acid, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is produced.  Since, we have now learned that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) must be present in order for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to be produced, it is clearly conceivable that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) is contained within these natural sugars (complex carbohydrates) that originate from the plant kingdom.
As you can see, it seems that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) must be present in order for the body to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP).  Still, there is much that is unclear about this process.  However, as research on Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) progresses I believe it will be more clearly identified.  This will enable us to better understand and make an informed decision concerning the importance of the role that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) plays in our health.
Natural Sources:

Brewer's yeast, whole grains (breads and cereals), raw unadulterated honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis, most fresh vegetables, most fresh fruits.  It is believed that all complex carbohydrates contain varying amounts of Vitamin B-4 (Adenine).
Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) is also probably found in the following herbs:
Blessed thistle, blue cohosh, burdock, capsicum (cayenne), caraway, cascara sagrada, catnip, cloves, couch grass, ginger,
golden seal, hawthorn, hops, jojoba, kelp, lady's slipper, mullein, rose hips, sage, sarsaparilla, spearmint, strawberry, thyme, yucca.
NOTE: Although it is considered or believed that the above natural sources do contain Vitamin B-4 ( Adenine), I want to underscore the fact that at this time it is in part only scientific theory.  This meaning that there is a great deal pertaining to Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) that has not been confirmed or officially factuated.
Notwithstanding, I believe that soon Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) as it relates to our health, will be substantiated by naturopathic doctors and scientists relative to empirical evidence.  Empirical evidence, meaning something proven by experiment and experience.
HERBAL medications are teeming with nutrients, and the body WILL readily utilize them in its behalf...  actually detoxifying and rebuilding the system, therefore enhancing one's health.

Vitamin B5
Pantothenic acid is found in virtually all meat and vegetable foods. Good sources include chicken, beef, potatoes, porridge, tomatoes, kidney, eggs, broccoli and whole grains such as brown rice and whole-meal bread.
Breakfast cereals are also a good source if they have been fortified with pantothenic acid.

How much do I need?

Pantothenic acid is one of the B-group vitamins. It's water-soluble, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
You should be able to get all the pantothenic acid you need from your daily diet.

What does it do?

Pantothenic acid has a number of important functions. For example it works in the body to help release energy from the food we eat.


What happens if I take too much?

There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of pantothenic acid supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get all the pantothenic acid you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful. Taking 200 mg or less of pantothenic acid supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 also known as pyridoxine, is found in a wide variety of foods, for example: pork, chicken, turkey, cod, bread, whole cereals (such as oatmeal, wheatgerm and rice), eggs, vegetables, soya beans, peanuts, milk, potatoes and some fortified breakfast cereals.


How much do I need?

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. This means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
You should be able to get all the vitamin B6 you need from your daily diet. This is approximately:
1.4 mg a day for men
1.2 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Vitamin B6 has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • allows the body to use and store energy from the protein and carbohydrates found in the foods we eat
  • helps hemoglobin to form (the substance that carries oxygen around the body)

What happens if I take too much?

Taking large amounts of vitamin B6 (more than 200 mg a day), or taking it for a long time, can lead to a loss of feeling in the arms and legs - known as peripheral neuropathy.
Generally these symptoms are reversible - so once you stop taking the supplements, the symptoms usually stop.
However, in a few cases when people have taken large amounts of vitamin B6, especially for more than just a few months, the effect has been irreversible.
Taking doses between 10 and 200 mg a day, for short periods of time, might not cause any harm. But there isn't enough evidence to say for how long these doses could be taken safely.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get the amount you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take vitamin B6 supplements it's important not to take too much because this could be harmful.
The Agency advises against taking more than 10 mg of vitamin B6 supplements a day. But you should continue taking a higher dose if this is under medical advice.

Vitamin B7
Biotin is found in many foods. Good sources include meat such as kidney, eggs and some fruit and vegetables, especially dried mixed fruit.
How much do I need?
Biotin is one of the B-group vitamins and is water-soluble, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body. But we only need very small amounts of biotin.
You should be able to get all the biotin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. Adults need between 0.01 mg and 0.2 mg a day.

What does it do?

Biotin has a number of important functions. For example it helps the body turn the food we eat into energy.

What happens if I take too much?

There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of biotin supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

Most people should be able to get the amount they need from their daily diet. But if you decide to take supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful.
Taking 0.9 mg or less of biotin supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.


Vitamin B8 (Inositol)

Another B complex factor that has an unclear status as a B vitamin is the compound called inositol. While the specifics of this vitamin’s action in the human body remains a mystery, experiments conducted on animals have resulted in the identification of this compound as a necessary factor for the normal growth and survival of organisms. Large amounts of the compound inositol can be found in the skeletal and heart muscles, in organs like the lungs, liver and brain, in blood, in milk and related dairy products, in urine and in eggs. The actual metabolic role of the compound inositol in these tissues and the other types of tissues is still a mystery.
The probability of practical applications of the inositol is indicated by the results obtained from some clinical research carried out on the functioning of inositol in the human body. In addition, a lot of animal experiments have shown that raising the dietary levels of inositol can help in the prevention of the decrease in motor nerve conduction resulting from degeneration in the nerve insulation as a symptom of diseases such as diabetes. A similar effect is also seen during the use of supplements of inositol as part of the dietary intake in humans who are confirmed diabetics. As a general rule, the nerve conduction is generally better the more inositol present in the diet - usually a maximum of 1400 mg per person daily. Nerve conduction is the lowest whenever people consume a diet that is deficient in levels of inositol. If the diet was deficient in the vitamin, then the consumption of a diet considered sufficient in inositol resulted in improved nerve conduction, this improvement did not match the improvement seen in patients on a supplemented diet of inositol.
The potential of using supplements of inositol against certain forms of cancer affected tissues has also been acknowledged by clinical researchers. During one animal test, the use of intravenous injections of inositol led to the inhibition of tumour growth in laboratory mice. The dosage of the inositol used in the injections determined the degree of inhibition, if the dose was high than the inhibitive effect was greater and vice versa. A human experiment conducted by one doctor was to give high doses of inositol - at doses of 3 to 4 grams a day - to people affected by advanced cases of cancer in the genitourinary tract. This beneficial effect apparently failed to be evident in at least seven people affected by terminal malignancies in the penis, the prostate gland, as well as the testicles. However, at least six cases of people with bladder cancer benefited from the dosage of inositol. In these patients, the size of the tumours decreased, and the treatment resulted in the disappearance of hematuria - blood in the urine.
The ability of the liver to resist the infiltration of fatty deposits and to recover from accumulated toxin damage is shown to be improved by doses of inositol. In men and in animals, this compound has also been reported to lower cholesterol levels in repeated tests. The compound lecithin was however, the main source of this inositol used in the experiments. For this reason, some clinicians suggest that as lecithin also contains choline and other compounds, the resulting cholesterol reducing effect might not have been induced by inositol acting alone, though the researchers did not attribute this action to inositol alone.
Good dietary sources of the vitamin inositol can include compounds such as lecithin, foods like yeast, all kinds of organ meats, different types of nuts, all types of fruits and vegetables as well as all kinds of whole grains. There are a wide range of dosages as far as inositol supplements are concerned, ranging from doses that are less than a hundred milligrams to doses that are several hundred mgs each. That the body does not always synthesize inositol in “adequate” amounts is indicated by the fact that both animals and people have been aided by supplements of inositol in case of deficiencies.
Deficiencies of inositol have not been reported and are very rare if they ever occur, though some supplemental inositol can really aid diabetics who have increased excretion and loss of nutrients.

Usual dosage

Inositol supplements are not required by most people as deficiencies are very rare. At the same time, inositol found in small amounts commonly seen in different multi-vitamin supplements is possibly not necessary and ineffective in treating people. Supplements of inositol are sometimes suggested to patients, by nutritionally oriented doctors at doses of 500 mg taken two times daily.

Side effects and cautions

While elevated levels of inositol is seen in individuals affected by chronic renal failure, there are no reports of inositol induced toxicity in people - such toxic effects may only affect those already affected by some disorder. The presence of large amounts of phytate, the most common dietary form of the compound inositol can inhibit the absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc. This effect is however, not apparent in patients using supplemental inositol.

Vitamin B9

Folic acid, known as folate in its natural form, is one of the B-group of vitamins. Folate is found in small amounts in many foods. Good sources include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peas, chickpeas and brown rice.
Other useful sources include fortified breakfast cereals, some bread and some fruit (such as oranges and bananas).

How much do I need?

Folate is a water-soluble vitamin, which means you need it in your diet every day because it can't be stored in the body.
Most people should be able to get the amount they need by eating a varied and balanced diet. Adults need 0.2 mg a day.
However, if you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby you should take a daily 0.4 mg (400 microgram) folic acid supplement from the time you stop using contraception until the 12th week of pregnancy.
This is to help prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida. If you have already had a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect, a higher dose is recommended. Speak to your GP for more advice.

What does it do?

Folate has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • works together with vitamin B12 to form healthy red blood cells
  • helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida in unborn babies

What is FSA advice?

Unless you are pregnant or thinking of having a baby, you should be able to get all the folate you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.
If you're taking folic acid supplements, it's important not to take too much because this could be harmful.
Taking 1 mg (1000 micrograms) or less of folic acid supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm.

Vitamin B10 & B11

Vitamin B10, also known as factor R was later determined to be pteroylmonoglutamic acid mixed with other B vitamins. Its deficiency caused slowed growth and deteriorated feather development in chicks, along with blood problems. It was believed by some researchers to apply to humans. Some early researchers used the term "vitamin B10" to denote para-aminobenzoic acid.
RDA: Not establishedhttp://www.becomehealthynow.com/images/arow_up.gif

Vitamin B11, also known as factor S was related to vitamin B10. It was also believed to have similar properties, and was also later determined to be a mixture of substances.
RDA: Not establishedhttp://www.becomehealthynow.com/images/arow_up.gif

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is found in virtually all meat products and certain algae such as seaweed. Good sources include meat, salmon, cod, milk, cheese, eggs, yeast extract, and some fortified breakfast cereals

How much do I need?

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin.
Adults need approximately 0.0015 mg a day.
If you eat meat, fish or dairy foods then you should be able to get enough vitamin B12 from your diet.
However, because vitamin B12 isn't found in vegetable foods (such as fruit, vegetables and grains), vegans might not get enough of this vitamin and become deficient.

What does it do?

Vitamin B12 has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • helps make red blood cells and keeps the nervous system healthy
  • helps release energy from the food we eat
  • is needed to process folic acid

What happens if I take too much?

There isn't enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of vitamin B12 supplements each day.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get all the vitamin B12 you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take vitamin B12 supplements it's a good idea not to take too much because this might be harmful.
Taking 2 mg or less of vitamin B12 a day is unlikely to cause any harm.


Beta-carotene is what gives yellow and orange fruit and vegetables their colour. The main food sources of beta-carotene are yellow and green (leafy) vegetables such as spinach, carrots and red peppers, and yellow fruit such as mango, melon and apricots.

How much do I need?

You should be able to get the amount you need from your daily diet.

What does it do?

Beta-carotene is turned into vitamin A in the body and, therefore, can perform the same functions in the body as vitamin A.

What happens if I take too much?

Beta-carotene supplements have been found to increase the risk of lung cancer developing in smokers and in people who have been heavily exposed to asbestos at work.
It's possible that taking large amounts of beta-carotene supplements would also increase the risk of cancer in other people.
Some research suggests that having large amounts of vitamin A (retinol) over a long time may affect people's bones and make them more likely to fracture when they are older. But beta-carotene doesn't have this effect. This is because the body's conversion of beta-carotene into vitamin A isn't very efficient, so it's unlikely to result in high levels of retinol in the body.

You should be able to get the amount you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take beta-carotene supplements it's important not to take too much because this could be harmful.
The Agency advises against taking more than 7 mg of beta-carotene supplements a day. But you should continue taking a higher dose if this is under medical advice.
People who smoke or have been exposed to asbestos are advised not to take any beta-carotene supplements.
There is no evidence to suggest that the beta-carotene we get from food is harmful.


Good sources of the mineral calcium include milk, cheese and other dairy foods, green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage and okra, but not spinach), soya beans, tofu, soya drinks with added calcium, nuts, bread and anything made with fortified flour, and fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines and pilchards.

How much do I need?

You should be able to get all the calcium you need from your daily diet. Adults need 700 mg a day.

What does it do?

Calcium has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • helps build strong bones and teeth
  • regulates muscle contraction, including the heartbeat
  • makes sure blood clots normally
It's thought that calcium may help to lower high blood pressure and may help to protect against colon and breast cancer, although more evidence is needed to confirm this.

What happens if I take too much?

Taking high doses of calcium could lead to stomach pain and diarrhoea. It also depletes the body of magnesium if taken in large doses and this lead can lead to serious heart problems and diabetes.

What is FSA advice?

You should be able to get all the calcium you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. But if you decide to take calcium supplements it's a good idea not to take too much.
Taking 1500 mg or less of calcium supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm. 


Magnesium is a mineral found in a wide variety of foods. The richest sources are green leafy vegetables (such as spinach) and nuts. Good sources include bread, fish, meat and dairy foods.
Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. Its major role is at and in the cells so that blood levels, whole blood, serum, plasma, and 
even white blood cell levels of magnesium do not give an accurate 
picture of optimal magnesium levels. In fact, serum levels of magnesium are low only in acute alcoholics and in severe 
starvation. Magnesium stored in bones is stolen by the body tomaintain the narrow range of serum levels required for life.
Eighty percent of American women and seventy percent of men do not eat even the recommended daily requirement of magnesium. And 
soil throughout the world is deficient in magnesium except in 
Egypt. Thus, most foods today, even those supposed to have a high content of magnesium, are low themselves. As a single essential nutrient, magnesium may be responsible for more diseases than any
other nutrient! There are many reasons for this widespread 
deficiency: nutrition, stress and drugs.
White flour has had removed 85% of its magnesium. Considering 
the fact that almost 20% of calories come from white flour,
essentially a junk food, this inadequate food is responsiblefor about 17% 'loss' of magnesium. Chemical fertilizers, high in nitrates, phosphates, and potassium, deplete soil magnesium 
so that even most whole wheat is basically borderline.
Oral magnesium supplements are often ineffective and laxative
at therapeutic levels, requiring about a year to raise levels
significantly. Intravenous magnesium is the most rapid, but most
people don't like needles, and it may be difficult to find a physician to prescribe them. The simple, painless, riskfree
method is absorption of magnesium through your body's largest
organ, the skin.

How much do I need?
You should be able to get all the magnesium you need from your daily diet but unfortunately this is most definitely not the case these days. This is due to the vast majority of public eating processed
300 mg a day for men
270 mg a day for women

What does it do?

Magnesium has a number of important functions. For example it:
  • helps turn the food we eat into energy
  • helps make sure the parathyroid glands work normally. The parathyroid glands produce hormones important for bone health

What happens if I take too much?
There is an epidemic deficiency of magnesium in the west. We need to be aware that having a plentiful supply of this crucial mineral in our diet is so important for health. If you are not sure how much you take in your food then supplements are recommended 300mg twice a day is a good starting point with a balance of the same in a good quality calcium one too. This is crucial to maintain a healthy heart. Taking high doses of magnesium can occasionally possibly cause mild diarrhea.
There isn't enough evidence to say what the effects might be of taking high doses of magnesium for a long time but we believe it’s possibly beneficial in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet.

Vitamin D& D3

Vitamin D is found in a small number of foods. Good food sources are oily fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna and free range eggs.

But we get most of our vitamin D from sunlight on our skin. This is because the vitamin forms under the skin in reaction to sunlight. The best source is summer sunlight but also a bright sunny day in winter is equally as good a source on your face.
Liver and liver products are also good sources of vitamin D, but they are also a rich source of vitamin A. So if you already eat them every week, you might want to choose not to have them more often. Vitamin D, which is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," is actually a fat-soluble hormone that the body can synthesize naturally. We need vitamin D to facilitate calcium absorption and to promote bone mineralization, as well as for protection against a number of serious diseases. We get vitamin D through foods such as fortified milk and cereals as well as eggs, salmon, tuna and mackerel, and our bodies make vitamin D with exposure to sunlight, but even with sufficient sun exposure and eating a healthy variety of foods, many people still need supplements to obtain an optimum amount of vitamin D. This is especially true for seniors, as our ability to synthesize vitamin D decreases with age.

How much do I need?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. This means you don't need it every day because any of the vitamin your body doesn't need immediately is stored for future use. But due to the lack of it in today’s processed food and the fact the vast majority of us wear clothes and get very little sunlight most of the year round we need to supplement our diets with a little.
If we spend 15 minutes in bright sunlight daily, our body naturally synthesizes around 5,000iu.
So most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from their diet and by getting a little sun each day.

The evidence from the latest science now suggests that low levels of this essential nutrient can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Researchers in Utah followed 27,000 men and women over the age of 50 who had no history of heart disease. After a year, they found those with the lowest levels of vitamin D were:
  1. 77 percent more likely to die than those with adequate levels of vitamin D.
  2. 45 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those with adequate levels of vitamin D.
  3. 78 percent more likely to have a stroke than those with adequate levels of vitamin D.
  4. Twice as likely to develop heart failure than those with normal levels of vitamin D.
The study, from the Intermountain Medical Center, was presented at the Nov. 16, 2009, session of the American Heart Association's Scientific Conference. We recommend 2,000 IU of vitamin D per day.
  • are of Asian origin or dark skinned as you will need more exposure in the sun due to your body’s natural melatonin or pigment.
  • If you always cover up all your skin when you're outside
  • Or if you rarely get outdoors
  • Or maybe you eat little meat or oily fish


If you aren't getting enough vitamin D, you might be more at risk of some of the harmful effects of too much vitamin A so a balance is always important.


What is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

Vitamin D3, otherwise known as cholecalciferol, is a pro-hormone and essential nutrient produced in the skin. It is a seco-steroid hormone that regulates calcium homeostasis and balance within the body. For this reason, Vitamin D is best known for its role in the development and maintenance of healthy teeth, bones, and cartilage in children and adults. Vitamin D helps the body keep bones and teeth strong by improving the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the small intestine. Vitamin D also affects parathyroid hormone, which regulates bone turnover and release of calcium from bone.

Vitamin D, or also known as the "sunshine vitamin", can be made from exposure to ultraviolet light, thus the name. Sun exposure for as long as just around ten to fifteen minutes daily can provide 2,000 to 5,000 IU of vitamin D. There are two varieties of Vitamin D sources: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol, a poor source derived from sources such as fortified milk, herring, mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, eggs, fortified cereals and baked goods) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol, the best source derived from animal products, fortified foods and exposure to UV rays). Aside from playing an important role in supporting calcium absorption, bone health, and wound healing, this fat-soluble vitamin has also been found to reduce the likelihood of breast, colon, ovarian and other cancers.

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is the active and most preferable form of vitamin D. It is the most widely known of the vitamin D series and is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored to a certain extent in the body. Vitamin D3 can be produced photochemically by the action of sunlight or ultraviolet light from the precursor sterol 7-dehydrocholesterol which is present in the epidermis or skin of most animals. Vitamin D formed in this manner is called "natural vitamin D" or vitamin D3. It can also be consumed in the form of fish oil, or eaten in foods such as eggs or fish. Vitamin D3 is often the preferred vitamin because it has a higher bioavailability and it has more roles in biological activity for its various metabolites or isomers that have biological benefit.

What is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) used for and who uses it?

Vitamin D is one of those vitamins whose deficiency can lead to severe effects. Children that do not get adequate supplies vitamin D in their diets are more susceptible to developing rickets, a disease characterized by deformation of bones and teeth in children. Adults with insufficient amounts of vitamin D have an increased risk of developing osteomalacia (similar to rickets), and are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, a bone-weakening disease. Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated to the progression of other illnesses, including type I diabetes, muscle and bone pain, and cancer.

Supplemental vitamin D is available in 2 different forms: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D3 has proven to be the more preferred and effective form of vitamin D in all primate species, including humans. Vitamin D3 can also be synthesized in the skin through exposure to sun, and then subsequently metabolized by the liver and kidney to the biologically active form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. The primary function of vitamin D is to promote and enhance calcium and magnesium absorption, the two essential minerals necessary for strong bones. Vitamin D3 is required for the body to be able to utilize calcium and phosphorus, and for the absorption and metabolism of vitamin A. By increasing GI absorption of phosphorus and calcium, Cholecalciferol increases the serum calcium concentrations, which in turn increases osteoclastic resorption, and distal renal tubular reabsorption of calcium, whose optimal levels are required to ensure proper bone mineral density and serum (blood) calcium levels. This is extremely beneficial among very young children where it can treat rickets in conjunction with vitamin A, and in the treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly, especially post menopausal women who often suffer from fractures due to loss of bone density.

Vitamin D3’s ability to shield and protect against multiple sclerosis is two-fold: it can hinder the onset and the development of the disease, and limit its spread and progression as well. Vitamin D3 can also significantly improve and strengthen the immune system, and has a strong effect in regulating blood pressure. Without optimal and adequate levels of D3 in the blood, proper bone development and muscle contraction would not be possible, and that can lead to serious medical conditions including malnutrition and metabolic bone disease. The latter may not be evident until a broken arm or leg occurs. In a study, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation caused an increase in bone mass in the lumbar vertebra of 2% of participants, as compared with a loss of 2% in the placebo group. In another study, supplementation with vitamin D increased bone density in the femur by 3% and in the lumbar spine by 2.3%. Because of the numerous cellular functions it influences, Vitamin D3 functions more like a hormone than a vitamin. In line with this, many researchers already regard vitamin D as a hormone because of its sterol chemical structure and the fact that sunlight on your skin can use your body to make vitamin D.

How pure is your Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

This BeWellHealthy Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) powder has 100,000 IU/gram, enough to supply the needed nutrients to prevent Vitamin D deficiencies and protect against future disease. You will receive a double sealed labeled bulk polyethylene bag containing this yellowish granular product. It contains no fillers, taste additives, or anti-caking agents. Studies show that more than 50 percent of people are vitamin D deficient. The widespread use of sunscreens, reduced sun exposure, residence in northeastern US or in areas with high pollution levels, the fall and winter season, and having more skin pigmentation, contributes to the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency.

Although sunlight remains as the best source of vitamin D because even just a few minutes of exposure provides enough vitamin D to reach the daily value, getting the right amount of vitamin D from the sun is not always as simple as it seems. For one, people in northern hemisphere may have problems getting vitamin D from sunlight during winter due to occasional exposure to direct sunlight (light coming through a glass window of a car or building doesn’t count, because it filters out vitamin D). Also, the recent spike in the number of skin cancer cases has caused public alarm, forcing more and more people to use more and stronger sunscreen, which limits the body’s ability to produce its own vitamin D from sunlight. If you have a history of skin cancer, or are simply trying to avoid sun damaged wrinkles, it is best to get the vitamin D needed from supplementation rather than the sun.

What are some of the common effects of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

Vitamin D is of paramount importance for normal bone growth and development, and to keep proper bone density. It is also required so that the body can effectively utilize both calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D functions as a hormone and improves the reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus by the kidneys. Vitamin D may also help people with gout and rheumatoid arthritis by increasing the calcium around their damaged joints. Vitamin D3 has also been used in the treatment and prevention of various cancers, including breast and prostate. Chronic vitamin D deficiency exists in populations which live in low sunlight climates, so people with adequate access to sunlight usually do not have to worry about taking dietary vitamin D because ultraviolet light converts 7-dehydrocholesterol (abundant in skin) to vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). However, in cases such as MS treatment wherein the use of steroidal drugs depletes vitamin D supplies and inhibits absorption, supplementation is extremely worthwhile. Anyone undergoing treatment from immune or autoimmune disorders can benefit from vitamin D supplementation.

What is the daily suggested dose of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)?

The commonly recommended dose for Vitamin D3 is in the range of 100IU (IU = International Units) to as much as 2000IU.
At 100,000IU per gram the commonly recommended dose for Vitamin D3 is extremely small, in the range of 1mg (one milligram) to 50mg. Because Vitamin D3 100,000IU powder can potentially be toxic in higher doses extreme care should be exercised when dosing this product for individual use and dietary supplementation. A single dose for Vitamin D3 is very small and you should make no attempt to dose this product using volumetric measuring techniques. In other words, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DOSE THIS PRODUCT USING MEASURING SPOONS OF ANY KIND! The only safe way to dose this product for individual use will be using an accurate milligram weight scale.

Potential side effects of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
Like other fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin D can be toxic. Since Vitamin D is fat-soluble, this means that excess amounts of it are stored in the body tissues. Long-term high doses may be deposited in the soft tissues, irreversibly damage the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Symptoms of too much vitamin D include nausea, weakness, constipation, irregular heartbeat, weight loss, seizures, and irritability. As such Vitamin D supplements should be taken with caution.

Solubility and suggested preparation of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)

Since Vitamin D3 is fat soluble or not soluble in water, it would be best to take this during meal times with fatty foods.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is used in the following Proprietary Formulas

Country Life Vitamin D3 1000IU, Natures Answer Vitamin D3 Drops 4000 IU, Carlson Vitamin D3 Drops 1000 IU, Doctor's Best's Vitamin D3 2000IU, ENZYMATIC THERAPY Vitamin D3, FUTUREBIOTICS Chewable Vitamin D3, HERO Vitamin D3 (500IU), JARROW Vitamin D3 (2500IU), OW Vitamin D-3 (1000IU), SOLARAY Vitamin D-3 (400IU), SOURCE NATURALS Vitamin D-3 (2000IU), TWINLAB D3 plus K2 Dots

References & Further Research

1-alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 treatment reduces bone turnover and modulates calcium-regulating hormones in early postmenopausal women
50 Japanese women within 10 years after menopause (mean age 52.5 years) were studied to determine the effects of vitamin D3 for 12 months on bone mass and metabolism. Overall data clearly demonstrate that vitamin D3 maintained bone mass by reducing bone resorption through the modulation of calcium-regulating hormones. Temporarily increased urinary calcium excretion was observed in control group, but did not appear to be effective in modulating bone turnover.

Bone mass and markers of bone and calcium metabolism in postmenopausal women treated with 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol) for four years
The objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term effect of calcitriol treatment on bone mineral density (BMD) of the femoral neck and lumbar spine and the parameters of calcium and bone metabolism. Elderly women, 55 healthy, postmenopausal women, all aged 66 years, were enrolled in the study. Eighteen started a 4-year supplementation with 0.5 µg of calcitriol daily and 37 served as controls. Calcium intake of all the subjects was adjusted to 800 mg daily. Overall data suggest that calcitriol treatment increases bone mass at the femoral neck and lumbar spine, the increases being maintained for up to 4 years. The gain in bone mass results from reduced bone turnover which is partly a consequence of the enhanced intestinal absorption of calcium and suppressed serum PTH levels.

The effect of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) on the risk of fall and fracture: a meta-analysis
We evaluated the effect of supplementation with cholecalciferol (excluding the potential effect of calcium supplementation) on the risk of fall and fracture, primarily in postmenopausal women, using a systematic literature review of MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for the period January 1985 to June 2005. Our primary meta-analyses examined the effect of cholecalciferol on the risk of fall or fracture; additional analyses examined baseline and difference between baseline and final levels of several serum and urinary biochemical markers. There is a trend towards a reduction in the risk of fall among patients treated with cholecalciferol alone compared with placebo, suggesting that cholecalciferol should be an integral part of effective osteoporosis management.

Cholecalciferol or ergocalciferol supplement? The case against ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) as a vitamin supplement
Supplemental vitamin D is available in 2 distinct forms: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). Pharmacopoeias have officially regarded these 2 forms as equivalent and interchangeable, yet this presumption of equivalence is based on studies of rickets prevention in infants conducted 70 y ago. The emergence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D as a measure of vitamin D status provides an objective, quantitative measure of the biological response to vitamin D administration. As a result, cholecalciferol has proven to be the more potent form of vitamin D in all primate species, including humans. Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, should not be regarded as a nutrient suitable for supplementation or fortification.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) for International Customers

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Alpha-tocopherol: Vitamin E


Research carried out in universities, hospitals, and laboratories around the world has now provided conclusive evidence that alpha-tocopherol, better known as vitamin-E, is absolutely crucial to human health. Moreover, it has been clearly established that the amount of vitamin E present in even the most carefully selected diet is totally inadequate to meet the requirement for this vitamin.
The recognition that vitamin-E supplementation is essential is a radical departure from the previous stand of the medical/scientific community that very little, perhaps 10-30 milligram/day, of vitamin E is needed and that this amount can be supplied through the normal diet.
Vitamin E however, is not merely a vitamin. The most active component of the vitamin E complex is alpha-tocopherol and this organic substance is the most powerful antioxidant in the lipid (fat) phase of the human body (1,2). So alpha-tocopherol has two functions: it acts as a vitamin (vitamin E) and it acts as an essential antioxidant. It is this function as an antioxidant and its crucial importance which the mainstream scientific community has so belatedly come to realize.
Vitamin E can not be synthesized by the body and must therefore be supplied in the diet or through supplementation. It is only stored in the body for a relatively short time and must be replenished on a regular basis. Unlike the other fat-soluble vitamins, A,D, and K, which are stored in the liver, vitamin E is stored throughout the body in the lipid phase. This fact is of crucial importance in the utilization of alpha-tocopherol to modify metabolic reactions.
Human metabolism is aerobic, that is, it depends on oxygen for sustenance. This has many advantages, but also creates some problems. One of the very major problems is that oxygen has a pronounced tendency to create free radicals - dangerous and highly reactive molecules which are now recognized as being the culprits in a large array of debilitating and deadly diseases.
Antioxidants have long been used to prevent and break up free-radical induced chain reactions and are used extensively for that purpose in plastics, rubbers, gasoline, motor oils, and indeed in many, many foodstuffs. As a matter of fact, unsaturated fatty acids occurring in nature almost always contains alpha-tocopherol which protects them from going rancid. In the body, alpha-tocopherol acts very effectively to deactivate free radicals and stops chain reactions before they can run away (1). In contrast to the action of alpha-tocopherol as a vitamin it is actually consumed, sometimes quite extensively, in its role as antioxidant.
The extremely critical role of alpha-tocopherol in protecting against free- radical reactions becomes apparent when considering the vast number of diseases and conditions thought to be caused by these reactions (3,4). Among them are:
  • Aging
  • Many types of cancer
  • Atherosclerosis and other circulatory diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Cataract formation
  • Senile dementia (Alzheimer type)
  • Respiratory diseases induced by pollution


Free-radical diseases are almost all diseases with a very long "incubation period". It is not uncommon for these diseases to show up only after 20 or more years of accumulated free-radical damage. This of course makes it very difficult and in many cases unethical, to perform experiments on humans in order to establish the benefits of alpha-tocopherol in combating these diseases. Nevertheless, recent medical literature provides a wealth of examples of the efficacy of alpha-tocopherol in preventing or arresting free- radical induced diseases.
Aging is thought to be caused by a decline in the functioning of the immune system as well as by lipid peroxidation leading to undesirable cross linking and damage to DNA (3). Daily supplementation with vitamins E and C has been shown to lower lipid peroxide concentration in humans (5). Daily supplementation with vitamin E (400 IU/day) was also shown to increase the T- cell mediated immune responses in healthy, elderly people (6).
Recent studies have shown that a low vitamin E concentration in human blood is associated with an overall increased risk for many cancers including breast and lung cancer (7,8,9). There is definite proof that alpha-tocopherol prevents the formation of cancer-promoting nitrosamines in the stomach (5,8). There is also some indication that an increased intake of vitamin E by smokers (experimental dosage: 1000 mg/day of alpha-tocopheryl acetate) can decrease their risk of developing cancer and heart disease (10).
Atherosclerosis is a common form of heart disease. It is characterized by fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. Cholesterol and low density lipoproteins (LDP) are known to be heavily implicated in the build-up of the fatty deposits. Recent research has confirmed that high blood levels of LDP's accelerate atherosclerosis. It has also been shown that the LDP's are oxidized before they attach to the artery wall and that this oxidation can be slowed down by the use of antioxidants (11,12).
Alpha-tocopherol has been shown to improve the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, to prevent and dissolve blood clots and is effective in preventing scar formation (13,14). Other research confirmed that daily supplementation with 400 IU of vitamin E results in a significant reduction in blood platelet adhesion in healthy adults (5). Vitamin E has also been found effective in treating varicose veins and thrombophlebitis (14).
Animal studies have shown that alpha-tocopherol can alleviate arthritis symptoms (15). Studies involving humans suffering from osteoarthritis have shown that supplementation with vitamin E is effective in relieving pain associated with this disease (15).
Cataracts are a very major health problem in North America. It is estimated that 45% of men and 48% of women over 75 suffer from cataracts. The disease is caused by long term accumulation of free radical damage. A recent study suggests that the risk of getting cataracts may be reduced by more than 50% through supplementation with vitamins C and E (600 and 400 IU/day respectively) (16).
The list of known benefits of alpha-tocopherol in the fight against free- radical induced diseases goes on and on. The evidence is overwhelming that vitamin E is an extremely critical factor in human health. However, it is equally clear that a normal or even carefully selected diet is totally inadequate to provide the needed quantities of the vitamin/antioxidant.


Nutrition-oriented medical doctors are reaching a consensus as to how much alpha-tocopherol is required for a healthy person eating an average diet. The magic number is 400 IU/day which is considered a basic amount (17,18). The optimum


Intake for an individual depends on many factors including the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and the degree of exposure to air pollution and toxic chemicals. Higher dosages may be indicated for women suffering from premenstrual or menopausal problems, for smokers, for people engaging in heavy, out-door exercise, and for people having a family history of cancer (18). Interestingly enough, the intake of fish oils or a large consumption of fish has been shown to increase the requirement for vitamin E quite significantly (19).
Large, well-controlled studies of vitamin E supplementation have shown the vitamin to be non-toxic in intakes as high as 3200 IU/day (20). However, most researchers caution against daily intakes higher than 800-1200 IU/day for extended periods (13,17,18). It is also recommended that the progression to a daily dose of 400 IU be gradual as should any decrease in intake.
There are some cases in which high dosages (more than 30 IU/day) of vitamin E are contraindicated. Medical advice concerning dosage should be sought by individuals having high blood pressure, those taking anticoagulant drugs (Coumadin, warfarin) or having a tendency to prolonged bleeding, those having a vitamin K deficiency and those suffering from rheumatic heart disease, an overactive thyroid, or diabetes (13,18).
Inorganic iron (ferrous sulphate) destroys vitamin E and birth control pills deactivate it to some degree. So vitamin E should be taken with the main meal (to optimize absorption) and at least six hours before or after taking an iron supplement or a multivitamin/mineral tablet or a birth control pill.
Natural vitamin E comes in two forms: d-alpha-tocopherol (100 mg=149 IU) and d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate (100 mg=136 IU). The "d" designation in front of the "alpha" indicates that the products are derived from natural sources such as vegetable oils or wheat germ. A prefix of "dl", such as in dl-alpha- tocopherol, shows that the vitamin has been synthesized from a petroleum base. Recent research has shown d-alpha-tocopherol and d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate to be equally effective on an International Unit basis (21). Synthetic alpha- tocopherol acetate however, has been found to be considerably less effective than its natural equivalent in raising the blood plasma level of vitamin E and in preventing peroxide hemolysis even when ingested at equivalent IU levels (22).
Vitamin E is quite clearly a prime example of a vitamin/antioxidant which is present in the diet in an amount insufficient to sustain health. To obtain a daily dosage of vitamin E equivalent to 400 IU it would be necessary to consume 200 cups of brown rice, 10 cups of almonds, 80 cups of cooked spinach, or 12 tablespoonfuls of unrefined, fresh wheat germ oil - clearly not a viable alternative.

Perhaps the most telling evidence of the metamorphosis of vitamin E from ugly duckling to reigning swan of nutrition can be found in the fact that an eminent scientist who in 1974 supported the contention that an alpha- tocopherol intake of 10-30 mg/day would be adequate for an adult publicly stated in 1991 that he was himself taking 400 IU of vitamin E every second day (22,23). To quote: "... The knowledge that undesirable products of lipid peroxidation in human tissues can be decreased by taking vitamin E has persuaded me to personally take a 269 mg supplement of d-alpha-tocopherol every other day (23)."